Piwik PRO vs. Google Analytics

Google Analytics has too many limits. Google Analytics 360 is too expensive. Get the analytics capabilities of GA 360 with flexible pricing tiers from Piwik PRO.

Piwik PRO Analytics Suite lets you analyze the customer journey across websites, apps and digital products. Safely explore digital user experiences in more places, including post-login areas and healthcare platforms where sensitive data is the norm.

Piwik PRO GA GA 360
Analytics capabilities
Privacy compliance
Private cloud and on-prem hosting
Compliant collection of personal data and PII
Full customer journey tracking including post-login areas
Custom reports
Tag manager
Integration with Google Ads and Google Search Console
Customer data platform with data import capabilities (requires Salesforce)

Choose the platform that gives you the analytics capabilities you need with flexible pricing tiers to adjust to your needs – no need to lock your organization into a one-size-fits-all contract.

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The full customer journey

Analyze the customer journey across websites, apps and SaaS products, including post-login areas. Add more data sources with our customer data platform.

Legal compliance

Ensure compliance with internal policies and data protection regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, PIPEDA and HIPAA.

Flexible hosting and full data control

Get unlimited access to raw, unsampled data along with safe handling of unique user identifiers (PII and personal data).

Easy transition

Switch to Piwik PRO with ease, thanks to an interface similar to GA, migration of GA tags and dedicated onboarding and support.

Brands that trust in Piwik PRO

Public institutions, private companies and enterprises trust us and value our privacy-oriented approach