
How to overcome performance issues and lack of flexibility in your analytics? Comparing Piwik PRO and Matomo

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Choosing an analytics software that fits you in terms of performance, flexibility and usability is hard. The choice may become even harder as each analytics project has unique requirements. In this webinar our experts will help you pick an analytics software that best fits your needs, with a thorough comparison of Piwik PRO’s and Matomo’s features. Watch the recording and stay for the Q&A session at the end.


Maciej Zawadziński

CEO at Piwik PRO

An AdTech and MarTech expert and online privacy rights advocate working toward more conscious data use. Together with a team of over 100 people, Maciej is building Piwik PRO Analytics Suite – a privacy-friendly analytics platform, the perfect alternative to Google Analytics.

Michał Gonera

Solution Architect at Piwik PRO

Michał is a product specialist that has experience with every version of Piwik PRO. As a solution architect he's responsible for delivering customized product implementations and integrations. He combines business and software development experience to customize Piwik PRO Analytics Suite to customer's needs.

See what you will learn in this webinar

Hands-on analytics features

Our experts will discuss analytics, tag management, customer data platform and consent management. As there is no one-size-fits-all software, you should get a solid grasp of the differences between two platforms and what they mean for your workflows.

Reports, dashboards and maximizing business value

You’ll learn how to translate dashboards, funnels, reports and segmentation into more value for your business. Our experts will show you the newest version of Piwik PRO and how it compares to Matomo (similar to an older version of Piwik PRO).

Customer service & compliance

Compliance plays an important role as the world is getting toward more stringent privacy law regulations. Discover how both companies approach user data protection. Also, see what kind of onboarding and support your company to expect from each vendor.

The importance of the technology working in the background

The technology stack behind any analytics platform has to be well thought out so the end product makes the grade. Our speakers will discuss the differences between both vendors' stacks. They’ll uncover what databases, frameworks and platform architecture decisions influence the performance of both Piwik PRO and Matomo.

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