
Coming this summer:
Free privacy-friendly analytics hosted in the EU – Piwik PRO Core

Watch the webinar

Collecting data while staying aligned with privacy regulations is harder than ever, so the market need for privacy-friendly analytics is growing. Piwik PRO Core, a free plan for Piwik PRO Analytics Suite, fits that need, and we’re making it available publicly this September. Watch the product demo and see how easy it is to start your analytics project with the platform’s default settings. Stay for the Q&A session and a surprise announcement.


Maciej Zawadziński

CEO at Piwik PRO

An AdTech and MarTech expert and online privacy rights advocate working toward more conscious data use. Together with a team of over 100 people, Maciej is building Piwik PRO Analytics Suite – a privacy-friendly analytics platform, the perfect alternative to Google Analytics.

Marcin Pluskota

PR Manager at Piwik PRO

Marcin has over 10 years of experience working in media & communications. At Piwik PRO, he runs communication activities that help build the brand’s global awareness and promote company values among key stakeholders. Marcin is also a lecturer at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow.

What’s in it for you:

The reasons behind the market need for privacy-focused analytics

Companies erode users’ privacy by hoarding their data. See how privacy-friendly analytics lets you meet data residency requirements, obtain consent and solve other privacy issues.

Introducing Piwik PRO Core

Learn how Piwik PRO Core can help you execute ambitious analytics projects while building trust with a privacy-friendly approach. Discover Core’s key features and who can benefit from them.

Piwik PRO Core demo

Watch Piwik PRO Core analytics features in action. Understand its default privacy-compliant settings and how you can adjust them to your organization's privacy standards.

The future roadmap for Piwik PRO Core

See how Piwik PRO Core will expand its feature set to help you gain more insights from data.

Watch the recording

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Brand that trust in Piwik PRO

Individuals, big and small companies, and governments all over the world have already liberated their analytics with Piwik PRO